Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fourth term in school -Whew!!!

Anatomy and Physiology and Arts & Humannties -Term 4

Man, I have my work cut out for these two classes. I have never got a 50 on a pratice test and taken it as many tries  in order to get all ten points as I did this first week in AP I class. I am going to have to step up my brain power and God only knows how I will mange that!!!  Work is extra busy since school is getting ready to be out June 4th.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Getting a break before the next term

Yeah !!!!!!!!!!

It  is over for this term  and now my little break before the next term begins is over too. Man nine weeks is a long time. The two week break is so short compared to the amount of time you are in class. Now I have to get ready for AP I & Arts & Humannties class starting next week. All I ask is for the Lord to keep giving me the strength and knowledge to endure this journey of mine.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Final Exam Day!! Ugh!!!!

Wow!! I am glad that the test is over. I was allowed 3 hours and 15 minutes. I made 160 out of 190 points. I was a little disappointed , I really thought I had more of the mutilpe choice right. This nutrition class was very hard. I have learned a lot in the class and will use it in my future career as well as my own personal life. 
I am proud of how my paper turned out in Comp II. I learned quite a bit about sugar while writing this paper. I was really suprised that I made 240 out of 250 points for the final paper. I had so much trouble finding the time to finish it I thought I was gooing to be late submitting it. I have something to brag about myself , I have made the President's list again for this term. When I started school I was not even thinking about a Dean's list let alone a President's list. I am going to have to by some frames for the certificates. I will need to find a place to hang them up.  I know that English is over for me , but I will use all of the knowledge I gained in order to write in the future. Thanks again to all of my Professor's and their great teaching techniques. 

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Day ---So Many Vistors Today- Yeah!!!

Today I got to see my family , it was great to see my parents and nieces and their children . I got to bake Easter cupcakes for them and make them Easter baskets. It has been a long time since I have gotten to do that since my boys are grown up now. The only downfall of this visit is, I am behind on my paper. I worked until amlost 11:00 pm lastnight and thought I was finished until I counted my pages and found I am short for the page requirement. What a bummer!! Not only that I did the wrong project activity in my other class and I have to get the right one done and turned by Tuesday just like my final paper. I wish my parents would move up here and live c;lose by so i can see them more and help take care of them as well. Maybe something will come up that will allow them to afford to move near me.  Wow, this term has just flown by and I cannot believe that  I will be begining another term in a few weeks. Thank God for the little break you get in between !!