Saturday, June 5, 2010

Month Of May... Soooo Busy !!!! I am Glad It is Over!!!

Thank God May is over!!! I have been so busy with school graduations and preparing Awards for the students last day of school. I feel so bad I missed my first grade class list of honor roll , so now I am have to order more honor roll medals and mail them out this summer. Now I am sooo exhausted , but I have my own school work to continue. Got bad news today , my Mom is the hospital. Now I need to juggle my class due dates and travel to see her. I am still expexted to work next week. Looks like I may miss a day or so. The weird thing is last year on July 4th , she was rushed to the hospital for her heart and we almost lost her. Last night was June 4th, hmm what is that trying to tell us.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Cindy,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I honestly and sincerely hope that she is doing well. Or at least better from when you posted. I can't imagine my life without my Mom in it right now. She has always been my rock and my pillar of light in every storm that I've had to face. I'm more than positive that you'll be able to balance everything successfully. God made men's shoulders broader, but ours stronger. We literally hold the weight of the world on them. I'm praying for the best for you and that your situation improves. Keep in touch!
