Monday, March 15, 2010

Busy Writing This Weekend

I have not had time to sit down and write my rough draft, so I pulled a two day writing marathon this weekend. It was not easy becuase my son and husband were home bugging me.
I have learned so much about sugar and  I feel like it is a double edge sword commodity. However in all of my research I would rather take my chances eating sugar and that kind of sugar would be the natural raw sugar not the fine white table sugar, than any sugar substitutes. I am not going to deprive myself of a sugary food item , however I will strive to only get the sugar my body needs through natural foods such as fruits and vegetables.

Now I can say Yeah!! , I have finish the first hurdle and I am on the home strecth for the final paper!! I am going to be like Muhammad Ali- Float Like A Butterfly And Sting Like a Bee!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your pictures!
    I love sugar, and I know it is bad for you!
