Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Happy Day

I  am so happy I found a few more articles that discuss sugar being linked to asthma. Today is a yucky rainy day , the kinda of day when you rather stay in bed and sleep. I could use it too , because I am sick again. My mind is starting to get on the roll for my paper ,however I am not sure how to write the abstract , I think I will wait until I have finished my rough draft, that way I will know how to summarize the whole paper. One of the articles I found discusses that scientists may have discovered a sugar polymer cell that can help eliminate allergern and asthma attacks caused by sugar. I think I am understanding the article correctly I have never read so much scientific terms in my life. I feel like giving myself  a pat on the back , because I have done so well in both of my classes even though I have struggled to have the energy to get my work done and attend my seminars, since I have stayed sick this term. It is amazing what a person can endure when the goals you set forth for yourself much be achieved. W ell  I need to stop babbling and get to writing my rough draft before my mind loses all of the thoughts it has for my paper.

See everyone in the blogs next week...


  1. Hello Cindy I am glad that you are finding more stuff for you to do your paper on. try and not get to pressed cause I know that if you look you will find what you need to make it happen. Just take a step back and look at it like you are looking for fun that it how I find everything that I need. good luck on your paper.

  2. I love the smiley face! Hope you feel better soon!
